Welcome to EMPT shots!

EMPT stands for Engineering Management, Programming languages, Technology.

Why subscribe?


  • Engineering Management (including links to latest thing that I read and excited, random thoughts, and others)

    • All parts of Management

    • Career Growth / Switch

    • Incident Management

  • Programming languages (including latest advancements in programming languages, tools, and techniques)

    • Polyglot programmer (JavaScript, Rust, Go, Java, Kotlin, JVM, Zig, Elixir, and others) - Definitely not an expert but a curious learner.

  • new Technologies (including emerging trends, innovative solutions, and cutting-edge tools)


  • Once a month. (Hopefully 🤞🏽)

    • Sometimes more / Sometimes less


  • Any engineer who have a deep passion for technology, programming languages, and management.

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EMPT shots from Sendilkumarn. We'll dive into the world of Engineering Management, Programming languages, and Technology. Docendo Discimus


Code without ceremonies.